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The global marketplace for audio content

Audiobooks, podcasts, audio software and services in the spotlight: at the fairground, in digital formats before the fair and 365 days in our media library.

Frau mit Kopförern

The positive development of the international audiobook market is also reflected at the trade fair: the Frankfurt Audio area in Hall 3.1 almost doubled in size in 2024 compared to the previous year. On 640 square meters (2023: 330 square meters), everything revolved around audiobooks, podcasts, audio services and software. Players from the audio sector presented themselves here with their own stands, workstations and at the joint stand of IG Hörbuch (3.1, K24/25). On the trade visitor days, publishing consultant Carlo Carrenho networked interested parties with companies in the area as the Book Fair's Audio Ambassador. 

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Litprom Podcast: Auf Weltempfang - Globale Literaturen übersetzen

Litprom Podcast

Bei Litprom e.V. dreht sich alles um Literatur aus Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika und der Arabischen Welt. Im Podcast werden Titel der Weltempfänger-Bestenliste und das Übersetzen von Literatur mit Übersetzer*innen und Weltempfänger Jury-Mitgliedern besprochen.

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023

Media library

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Adam Fritz, CEO, Pozotron, about Frankfurter Buchmesse

Frankfurt Audio Adam Fritz Pozotron aboiut Frankfurter Buchmesse

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