About us

The world capital of ideas. Since 1949.
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Our mission
Frankfurter Buchmesse strives to be the key business event for our customers, providing them with all the components they need to succeed. We achieve this by informing them about important trends and topics, enabling their contact to important players in the respective markets and, above all, helping them paving the way to innovative business models in the book and media industry. All year round. On an international scale. |
Frankfurter Buchmesse is one the world’s most important stages for current debates on international and socio-political events. In Frankfurt, we bring together the people whose business is ideas, open a constructive dialogue on pressing issues, and meet on equal footing with those who have different views. |
We see the book fair as a platform to share our passion for good stories and to experience creativity that engages all the senses. It’s where the fans and friends of renowned authors can meet and enjoy close encounters with their idols. At the heart of it, Frankfurter Buchmesse is a crossroads where people and culture meet. |
Our political self-image
On the role of Frankfurter Buchmesse witnin a political framework
Frankfurter Buchmesse is a forum where people from over 100 countries can meet each other in peace and security - despite the current strained world situation.
International book fairs thrive on diversity of opinion and content, as well as on exchange at eye level. They are places of gathering where book people - publishers, authors, readers, as well as political and cultural representatives - can meet in a secure framework, even in difficult times as the one we experience globally at the moment.
In this context, Frankfurter Buchmesse wants to emphasise diversity of expressions of opinion on certain socially relevant topics.
The Frankfurter Buchmesse defends freedom of speech.
Out of this understanding arises Frankfurter Buchmesse’s commitment to pluralism, freedom of opinion and speech, as well as freedom of publishing. It is not our role to make aesthetic, moral or political selections. Instead, we want to give space to different opinions and perspectives - even if they happen to be controversial.
This freedom operates within the legal framework of the Federal Republic of Germany.
In other words, anyone can exhibit, trade, buy and sell whatever they want, as long as the content of the products does not violate German law. The institution of Frankfurter Buchmesse is not an executive body and is therefore not authorised to confiscate products: Those rights belong to the law enforcement authorities alone.
Should we come across or be made aware of anything that may be of relevance to criminal law during the course of the fair, we will cooperate closely with the German federal law enforcement authorities: If an organisation, symbol or exhibit violates German law, the title may be removed by the police.
Frankfurter Buchmesse categorically rejects any form of censorship.
Frankfurter Buchmesse does not see itself as a body that would selectively allow or ban certain content from the exhibition, as this would contradict the very premises on which we act, even if the presumed intention of the author is to abolish the freedom of the word - as difficult and politically objectionable as this might seem in the specific case.
Frankfurter Buchmesse takes a stance.
Allowing the greatest possible diversity of opinions and products expressly does not signify an endorsement by Frankfurter Buchmesse of the numerous views of the titles on display, or a promotion of their spread.
Standing up for freedom of opinion and speech and freedom of publishing is only credible if one takes a stand and presents one's own position. As Frankfurter Buchmesse champions the freedom of the word, it is particularly committed to democratic values in the sense of the protection of human rights, as only this will enable the actual freedom of the word for all people.
Differing, even controversial opinions and positions may be voiced. Simultaneously, Frankfurter Buchmesse provides spaces and formats in which exchange can be conducted in a considered manner.
Frankfurter Buchmesse is an international marketplace committed to the equal treatment of all its exhibitors
Due to the size and international importance of the event, Frankfurter Buchmesse is to be classified as a dominant player in the market within the framework of the German competition and cartel laws. As such, it may not exclude exhibitors without an objectively justified reason. Accordingly, companies could challenge an exclusion in summary proceedings under German anti-trust law. Should the courts rule that there was no substantive reason for an exclusion, Frankfurter Buchmesse would have to accept this company as an exhibitor. Exhibitors are not invited by Frankfurter Buchmesse.
Safety is a top priority.
Exhibitors and trade visitors from over 80 countries are guests at Frankfurter Buchmesse. To ensure the safety of all participants and the smooth running of such a major international event, security is our top priority. Politicians, VIPs, or individuals facing an increased security risk will be given special consideration in the run-up to the fair, and individual measures will be worked out for them. We also work closely with Messe Frankfurt's security service and the police. Throughout the fair, there will be an increased number of police officers in the halls, both plainclothes and in uniform, who will investigate any indications of threats immediately. This will ensure not only the safety of the general public, but also the protection of discriminated, threatened or politically persecuted authors and top international politicians at Frankfurter Buchmesse.
One of Frankfurter Buchmesse's central concerns is the promotion of “bibliodiversity"
This is based on the idea that, in the broadest sense, a book can be as a response or commentary on previous books. Once initiated, such a “Great Conversation” requires participants and commentators, in short: it calls for a broad diversity of published literature from all over the world. Frankfurter Buchmesse thus follows a principle of dialogue that respects others and their opinions, even if they do not correspond to its own principles.
In this sense, we look upon “bibliodiversity” as a prerequisite and guarantor of democratic structures.
According to the " democratic relation", autocratic systems tend to produce only a small number of titles in large print runs, whereas democratic communities publish a large number of titles, often even in relatively small print runs. The plurality of publications reflects the plurality and freedom of opinion in a community with a democratic identity.
Our profile

Once a year Frankfurter Buchmesse turns into the world capital of ideas. It is the most important international trade fair for publishing and content of all kinds - from novels and children's books to scientific databases. Here, experts from global publishing meet partners from the technology industry and related creative industries such as film and games. Thus, it is the hub of the international rights and licensing trade, and from here new cooperations and business models take their course.

At the same time, the fair is a major cultural event, attracting literature enthusiasts and making Frankfurt the centre of the international media world in October. Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is the organisation behind Frankfurter Buchmesse. It is a subsidiary of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels).
Our history
Frankfurter Buchmesse has been organised by Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH since 1949 when 205 German exhibitors met in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt for the first post-war book fair. However, the history of Frankfurter Buchmesse goes back much further - to the 15th century. At that time Johannes Gutenberg invented book printing just a few kilometres from downtown Frankfurt.
Today, Frankfurter Buchmesse is the largest book fair in the world, an international trademark and a model for cultural events. The company is active in international publishing throughout the year and well beyond the trade fair days.
Our community

The Frankfurt Book Fair GmbH (FBM), a subsidiary of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association, has been awarded the audit berufundfamilie certificate since 2008.
The Frankfurt Book Fair GmbH (FBM), a subsidiary of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association, has been awarded the audit berufundfamilie certificate since 2008.
The Board of Trustees of berufundfamilie Service GmbH recognizes the long-term commitment to family and life-phase conscious policy with the certificate "audit berufundfamilie". The process ensured that the high level of development was maintained or expanded as required.
We are part of Aldus Up, the European Book Fairs’ Network
Aldus Up – Building Bridges in the Book World – is a large-scale cooperation project co-funded in the framework of Creative Europe Program coordinated by the Italian Publishers Association (AIE). The Aldus Up partnership promots the internationalization of the book sector and the innovation of book fairs formats. Aldus Up addresses core topics for the book sector: translations, reading habits and digitisation, reading promotion as well as new models for book fairs to develop and engage with their audience, transnational mobility of book professionals and increasing inclusivity for specific target groups.
Publications and information resources developed by Aldus Up will be presented in dedicated events hosted by European book fairs and made available online on the Aldus Up knowledge platform K-HUB(opens in a new window), including some exclusive contents for members of the Aldus Community(opens in a new window).
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