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Sustainability at Frankfurter Buchmesse


What are our objectives?

We are aware of our responsibilities as the world's largest book fair and want to make our contribution towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (SDGs)(opens in a new window). We see sustainability as an ongoing process that includes environmental, social and economic aspects.

Our goal is to plan and organize sustainable, environmentally friendly, climate-neutral events. In doing so, we also support our service providers, exhibitors and visitors in acting more sustainably.

As a member of the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der deutschen Wirtschaft – AUMA(opens in a new window)), we support their positioning on sustainable trade fairs.  

To reach our goals, we work together with our partners Messe Frankfurt, owner of the Frankfurt exhibition site, and Accente, the catering and hospitality service provider.

Conservation of resources

Drinking water for all

Everyone can fill up their own drinking bottles free of charge at two drinking water taps provided by Join the Pipe(opens in a new window). According to current plans, the taps will be in central locations at the Agora.

We are supporting the Join the Pipe(opens in a new window) water project, which campaigns for access to clean drinking water for all people around the world and less plastic waste.


Fairshop sells Join the Pipe reusable drinking bottles

The purchase of BPA-free bottles made with sugar cane supports the Join the Pipe(opens in a new window) water project, which advocates for access to clean drinking water for all and less plastic waste. See the point above for more information.


Sustainable catering at the exhibition site

Regional catering at Frankfurter Buchmesse

Accente is our catering partner at Frankfurter Buchmesse. They are responsible for all catering at the exhibition grounds. The company has been continuously developing its sustainable offerings since 2013. 
This starts with the selection of regional producers and a focus on seasonal ingredients in the preparation of food, as well as the beverages offered. The vegetarian and vegan options for visitors will also be expanded.

Waste is reduced through the use of reusable dishes and utensils, as well as the avoidance of packaging material. Disposable dishes and utensils are made exclusively of recycled materials, renewable raw materials and compostable materials.

More on Accente’s concept(opens in a new window)


No carpeting in the majority of aisles

As an important step towards a more sustainable book fair with less waste, we have eliminated carpeting in most hall aisles. The main exceptions are hall levels 4.0 and 6.0, where carpeting is necessary due to safety regulations.

For better orientation and visitor guidance in the halls, we lay a red carpet strip in the vertical and perimeter aisles. As of 2025, this aisle carpet is more sustainable in production, Cradle to Cradle Certified® at the Silver level. It is almost 100% recycled and, after use, reused as plastic granulate.

We have been reducing the carpeting in the hall aisles since 2021. By 2023 we reduced carpeting by approximately 15,000 square metres (approx. 5 tonnes of waste) by not laying carpet over the entire floor surface.

Further reduction in 2024 will enable us to cut an additional 15,000 square metres of carpeting compared to the previous year, thereby reducing overall waste by approximately 10 tonnes.


Our ready-made stands are based on a modular system

We offer customers ready-made stands called “system stands”. The system stands utilise materials that are used again for many years. By choosing a system stand, our exhibitors contribute to a more sustainable stand construction system.

Reduced material consumption combined with more sustainable materials for the construction of areas such as our stages, collective stands and work centres

We endeavour to use materials in a way that conserves resources. Wherever possible, we use sustainably produced carpet that is Cradle to Cradle Certified® at the Bronze level and more sustainable materials for graphics. We avoid PVC-printed chipboard to the greatest extent possible, because it cannot be returned to the material cycle.

In our Literary Agents & Scouts Centre, wall coverings are recovered and stored for reuse every year. From this year onwards, we will not use any wall panelling that does not allow for reuse in this way.

Digitalisation / Reduction of print materials

Through further digitalisation and a reduced reliance on printed materials, we are helping to further reduce CO2 emissions. We also offer free digital services, such as Frankfurt Connect(opens in a new window), the Buchmesse app or the website, as centralised and up-to-date information hubs. 

Climate-friendly mobility

Travelling by train

For your journey to Frankfurt, we offer a Deutsche Bahn event ticket. This train ticket is available at a fixed nationwide price on the Deutsche Bahn website(opens in a new window)

In 2023, passengers travelled 196,718 kilometres using the Deutsche Bahn event ticket on their way to the fair, in 2024 already 352.011 kilometres. This is an increase of almost 80%!

Free use of the RMV public transport network for exhibitors and trade visitors

We strive to facilitate eco-friendlier travel for all fair participants. Both exhibitor tickets and general public tickets include the complimentary use of the local RMV public transport network for travel to and from the fair.

Waste management

Reuse of resources

For additional social impact, we cooperate with Trash Galore to reutilise LitAg materials and, in part, elements from the signage system.

We are continuing our collaboration with Trash Galore, which began in 2023. The initiative reuses material from our areas and the signage system, such as LitAg carpeting or PVC banners.

In 2023(opens in a new window), just over four tonnes of material was recycled. It benefited five charitable organisations and initiatives in the Frankfurt area. Explore the results of the project in the Reuse Report 2023 and in the Reuse Report 2024 by Trash Galore.

Social impact with Caritas: textile workshop upcycles used fair flags into bags, mobile phone cases and more

As in 2023, new products will be made from used book fair flags at the Caritas textile workshop. In addition to the tote bags, the facility will be crafting pencil cases and mobile phone shoulder bags this year. These unique, sustainable items will be available in limited numbers at the Frankfurter Buchmesse Fairshop and at Einzigware(opens in a new window) brand. Proceeds will support the charitable work of Caritas.

As in the previous year, the project was made possible with the support of Accent, the operator of the Fairshop.


Waste sorting for a functional circular economy

Our goal is to make the circular economy work in practice. Waste is carefully separated for disposal after the trade fair. With the help of Messe Frankfurt and its partner Meinhardt Städtereinigung, we now achieve a recycling rate of more than 90%. Another partner of Messe Frankfurt, FES Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH (FES), generates electricity and district heating using a modern waste-to-energy plant.

This is how our exhibitors can support us (Waste disposal)

During dismantling, paper waste has been collected separately at the exhibition centre since 2016

Paper is not collected separately during set-up, but it is separated afterwards by the company Meinhardt.

Eco-conscious exhibition site

Messe Frankfurt, operator of the exhibition site where Frankfurter Buchmesse takes place, introduced the internationally recognised EMAS environmental management system in 2023, thereby meeting the requirements of ISO 14001.
EMAS ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION ( in a new window) (in German)

Energy savings

The entire exhibition centre has been using 100% green electricity since 2020. As a result, Frankfurter Buchmesse runs on green electricity in all areas. Since 2010, Frankfurter Buchmesse has exclusively provided green electricity to exhibitors.

Needs-based temperature regulation and the conversion of the lighting to LED have also contributed to a more sustainable trade fair infrastructure.

Messe Frankfurt has been operating an energy monitoring system since 2007. By 2020, the base load at the Frankfurt site had been reduced by 30% compared to 2014. 

Sustainability in our international activities (e.g. German collective stands at international book fairs)

  • Sustainable project planning: Instead of being separate, our large presentations are always embedded in the pre- and post-programme.
  • Construction ecology: We help safeguard the environment by using resource-saving materials and reusing stand elements. We use locally available materials and recycled materials for components that cannot be reused, e.g. graphic films and floor coverings.
  • Transportation: We work with local construction companies and use resource-saving transport.
  • Green travelling: Whenever possible, we use the train instead of air travel and offset our carbon footprint. We are also evaluating the necessity of travelling and expanding our participation with digital events. 
  • Sustainability: Our programme elevates the topic of sustainability for the book and media industry.
  • Merchandising: We pay attention to ecologically produced, sensible products. (in German)

Sustainability through trade fair visits - Study of the AUMA association

In a study involving 3,000 participants, the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) has established the efficiency and sustainability of trade fair visits, as individual trips are thereby avoided.

Do you have questions about sustainability at Frankfurter Buchmesse?

If you have any further questions, please ask.

Give us a call or drop us a line. We will be happy to help you.

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