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Michaela Dudley, Cabaret artist, film actress, book author, lawyer (J.D.)

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Videoscript Michaela Dudley

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Frankfurter Buchmesse, I wish you the very best for your centenary. For me, at the age of 62, this meeting place near Bockenheim is not only big business, but also a place of bibliophile comfort. The fair is about experiencing versatility – and that appeals to me.

I am a woman without a menstrual background, but with heart and soul, as a rule. Transwoman with body and soul. But I am also a cabaret artist, an actress, a journalist, a trained lawyer, a Berliner with African-American roots – and last but not least, a book author.

In these different capacities, in the change of my life, I have visited Frankfurter Buchmesse. Yes, up and out.

In 2010, my book „Tango hautnah: In der Wiege der Sinne“ was part of the exhibition in the Ehrengasthalle.

In 2019, I appeared for the first time in the 3sat programme „Kulturzeit“. In Frankfurt.

2022 I present my book „Race Relations: Essays über Rassismus“. My guiding principle is: „Dehumanisation starts with words, but so does emancipation.“

Books liberate. Books inspire – and uplift. Get out of the ivory tower. Out of the virtual hiding place. Into the intellectual mingling near the Galluswarte. Into the largest book fair in the world.

Let your love for books guide you. And realise that your life is also a book. Unfold yourself, show your sides. Talk along, fever along, celebrate along. in a new window) (opens in a new window)

Instagram: @michaela.dudley_official(opens in a new window)

Michaela Dudley

© Michaela Dudley | Fotografin: Carolin Windel