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Denis Scheck, Literary critic, translator and journalist

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Picture: © Frankfurter Buchmesse

Videoscript Denis Scheck

My name is Denis Scheck and I have been visiting the book fair since I was 13. Once even with my dog Stubbs, because he had written a book. But 45 years of Frankfurter Buchmesse, of course that leaves certain memories. For me, Frankfurter Buchmesse is something like Christmas. A family celebration where you see all your dear old friends again, and also the aunts you like less, and the uncles. And you at least pretend to be happy about this reunion.

The most beautiful fair encounter I had was once at a bar in a hotel. When someone stood next to me who looked familiar, and who then literally danced his name. He introduced himself as Ivan Nabokov, the French publisher and writer - a nephew of the great Vladimir. Such encounters only happen in Frankfurt at the fair. I wish you a wonderful fair!

Denis Scheck and his TV show about books, „Druckfrisch“ (Das Erste) in a new window)