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Karine Pansa, President of International Publishers Association (IPA), Editorial Director of Girassol Edições   


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Videoscript Karine Pansa

Hi, my name is Karine Pansa, I'm a children's book publisher from brazil and the President of the International Publishers Association. It's great to see Frankfurt celebrating its 75th anniversary. 

I first came here when I was 16 and I love coming back every year to meet with the international publishing family. The IPA has probably been present at every one of those 75 book fairs, meeting our members from around the world and discussing the challenges and opportunities of our sector as they evolve. 

This year we'll be holding a sustainability summit, a panel discussion on freedom to publish,  committee meetings as well as announcing the first details of our 34th international publishers congress taking place in guadalajara mexico from the 4th to the 6th december 2024. 

Happy anniversary, Frankfurter Buchmesse! in a new window) in a new window)