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Conversation between three institutional representatives, moderated by Stefan Weidner

Arabic literature is now more visible on the European book market, but nowhere near as much as literatures from European languages. Both in the Arab world and in Europe, institutions have emerged to promote the literary work of Arab authors and their visibility in Europe, including the Sheikh Zayed Book Award (SZBA) in Abu Dhabi, the French initiative LEILA (Arabic Literature In European Languages), and the German-British literary agency teneleven. The panel will give active mediators a chance to speak: Program Director Anne Millet of LEILA, translator and literary agent Katharine Halls of teneleven, and Egyptian publisher Fatma Boudy of Dar el Ain, winner of the SZBA 2023.

In cooperation with the Sheikh Zayed Book Award.

Event with simultaneous translation: German/Arabic/English.

Interview | Conversation


Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Litprom e.V.
Free access


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Katharine Halls

Literaturagentin & Übersetzerin

Anne Millet

Project Manager, LEILA - (Arabic Literature In European Languages)

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Fatma Elboudy


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Stefan Weidner
