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Impact on the protection of words and images

Chat GPT and other AI-based chatbots compose essays, poems, novels at the push of a button. While they can help humans tremendously in finding and organizing information, they also raise profound questions. Who owns the texts that artificial intelligence produces? And what is the status of already published works, based on which AI learns to create texts in the first place?

This discussion is organized by the BVPA - Bundesverband professioneller Bildanbieter e.V., the dfv Mediengruppe, the Verband der Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller (VS) and the Frankfurt Book Fair.

For this event, people with hearing aids or cochlear implants can borrow portable induction loops that connect to the translation system receivers. Translation will be provided into Chinese and German. The induction slings are available at the particular stage without prior registration.

Livestream of the event: in a new window)

Foto vom Frankfurt Pavilion



Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Physical + digital
Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH
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To the event


© Sara Scharff

Mina Saidze

Founder, author, tech evangelist

© Catrin George Ponciano

Lena Falkenhagen

Chair of the Association of German Authors, Verband deutscher Schrifstellerinnen und Schriftsteller

© Katrin Binner

Sönke Reimers

CEO, dfv Mediengruppe

© Thomas Stelzmann Fotografie

Florian Wagenknecht

Specialist attorney for copyright and media law

© Steven Haberland

Mads Pankow

Moderator, author, political consultant