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Adaptation of children's comics into series with Astrid Plenk, Cédric Pilot and Eve-Marine Joly

French children's comics and French animated films enjoy an international reputation, but how do you get from one to the other? How are comics (or children's books) selected for adaptation? What criteria are relevant? How do studios work with authors and illustrators? How do broadcasters choose series? Has anything changed in recent years: which subjects become more important? KiKA programme director Astrid Plenk, Cédric Pilot (Mediawan) and Eve-Marine Joly from the French animation studio MIAM Animation will discuss these and many other intriguing questions. The discussion will be moderated by Ulrich Wegenast.

© 2022 - Miam! animationFrance télévisionHR-Hessischer Rundfunk



Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Institut français Deutschland
Free access


© Kristen Nijhof

Astrid Plenk

Head of Programming KiKA

© Privat

Eve-Marine Joly

MIAM! Animation

Cédric Pilot


Ulrich Wegenast
