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Stephan Anpalagan and Ronen Steinke in conversation with Hanna Kristina Friedrich

Journalist, theologian and book author Stephan Anpalagan shows that the center of society is an exclusive place: It is the \"we\" in \"We are the people\" and the \"you\" in \"You are Germany. For immigrant people, it often remains inaccessible for generations. Those who are lucky enough to be counted among the middle are also allowed to determine the margins: left and right, above and below, but also inside and outside. His sharp analysis \"Struggle and Desire in the Middle of Society\" has been published by S. Fischer Verlag.

The lawyer, journalist and book author Ronen Steinke has been researching Germany's domestic intelligence service for years. He has interviewed spy chiefs and accompanied agents at work. He shows how V-Leute operate. And he asks a fundamental question: Does this secret service protect democracy - or does it not rather damage it? His engaging reportage \"Verfassungsschutz. How the Secret Service Makes Politics\" was published by Berlin Verlag.

In a conversation with moderator Hannah Kristina Friedrich (ZDF), the two authors present their current books.

Stephan Anpalagan explores the themes of home and identity in his texts. He is the managing director of the non-profit strategy consultancy \"Demokratie in Arbeit\" (Democracy in Work) and a lecturer at the University of Police and Public Administration in North Rhine-Westphalia. He is also a jury member of the Grimme Online Award. 

© Boris Breuer

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Adickesallee 1
60322 Frankfurt

S. Fischer Verlag GmbH
Free access


© Boris Breuer

Stephan Anpalagan


© Markus Schreiber

Ronen Steinke


Hanna Kristina Friedrich
