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MatchWHALE, the broad database of Korea books and trends, is proudly introduced at Frankfurt Book Fair 2023 before its official launch in November 2023, to showcase its beauty and welcome professional publishing colleagues around the globe.

MatchWHALE, the broad database of Korea books and trends, is proudly launched on November 30th 2023. 

We welcome professional publishing colleagues around the globe to the showcase of MatchWHALE and talk moderated by Beatrice Yongin Lin, Co-founder & Managing Director of CO.MINT Inc. with tremendous three panelists  - Prashant Pathak, Publisher at Wonder House Books, an imprint of Prakash Books India Pvt. Ltd.,  Sherif Bakr, General Manager of Al Arabi Publishing and Distributing, and Natalia Poleva, Foreign Rights Manager at Stroki.

“Are you in search of the next 'Almond' or 'Vegetarian' for your translated publication?”

“Are you in search of Korean webtoons and webnovels for your translated comics in print and digital publication?”

“Are you in search of Korean picture books with high quality illustrations and stories?”

“Are you in search of YA fantasy fiction from Korean writers?”


“Do you want to get the recommended list of books in your interest with ‘optimal accuracy’?”

What if you can get direct contact to the rightsholder of the book you wish to license?

What if all communications between you and the rightsholder is to be supported in English or your language for your book review and licensing deal?

MatchWHALE brings all in digital 24/7, from your book search to contract signing, to make your work easier!

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© CO.MINT Inc.

Trade event


Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Free access


© Beatrice Yongin Lin

Moderator, Speaker Beatrice Yongin Lin

Managing Director, CO.MINT Inc.

© Prashant Pathak

Panelist Prashant Pathak

Publisher , Wonder House Books

© Natalia Poleva

Panelist Natalia Poleva

Foreign Rights Manager, Stroki

© Sherif Bakr

Panelist Sherif Bakr

General Manager, Al Arabi Publishing and Distributing