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Frankfurt New Generation

Young, active, and involved? At Frankfurt New Generation, you’ll find highlights and media by and for youths and young adults who want to bring about a positive change in the world.


  • Discover media trends for youth and young adults
  • Get informed on current political topics from a generation that wants to change things
  • Exchange views with BookTubers, influencers, and creatives
  • Network with publishing professionals and experts in the field of youth literature and youth media

Experience our specialist events in livestream

Our programme highlights

Frankfurt Fellowship participants 2018

Frankfurt Fellowship Programme

This year's Fellowship Programme focuses on the topic of youth literature. Get to know young publishing professionals and network with them using the Exhibitor Directory.

New Generation auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse

Frankfurt Young Stories Award

Saturday, 17 October 2020, 2.00–3.00 p.m. as a livestream:
Experience the Frankfurt Young Stories Award ceremony, presented by Cornelia Funke. Get to know promising up-and-coming German authors and meet young Bookstagrammers and BookTubers.

Get connected in Young Bookstagram

Are you under 18? Do you love reading? Do you already post about books in Bookstagram, or are thinking about starting? Then join Young Bookstagram!

Young Bookstagram is an open community for all young people who are active, or would like to become active on Bookstagram (the part of Instagram that is dedicated to books). There are no fixed memberships, anyone can join. Would you like to be a part of it? Then follow us on Instagram: @young_bookstagram(opens in a new window).

And there is even more to discover

Frankfurt EDU

Frankfurt EDU

What will learning look like in tomorrow’s world? How can we use the latest technology to better impart knowledge? At Frankfurt EDU, the international education industry presents itself along with trends and innovations in 2020.

More information