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Academic Publishing

The future of academic publishing will be discussed and decided here.


At Frankfurter Buchmesse, you will gain first-hand insights into the latest market developments, data and trends in the academic publishing sector. This year, the programme on the exhibition grounds will once again be complemented by a stage dedicated to academic publishing: Look forward to 5 days of full programme on Stage 4.0

Save the date for two of many programme highlights at our new stage in Hall 4.0

Logo of Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)

SSP & TSK micro-conference

Get your Thursday off to a successful start with the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)! Together with the team from The Scholarly Kitchen (TSK), SSP will continue their #fbm24 Micro-Conference with networking breakfast this year. On 17 October from 8.30-11am at Stage 4.0.

Charleston Conference Logo

Charleston Conference at #fbm24

On the Friday of the fair, the #fbm24 Librarian's Day will start with the Charleston Conference on Stage 4.0. Meet old friends, speakers and new faces at the networking breakfast from 9.30 a.m., followed by panels until 12 noon. The event is being organised in cooperation with Publishing Perspectives and Frankfurter Buchmesse.

The complete #fbm24 programme will be published in summer 2024. Discover the recordings of the last fairs online and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.

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Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023

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