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Frankfurt Calling – Perspectives on Culture and Politics

Our cultural-political programme features thought leaders from all over the world, discussing the most important issues and topics of our time – throughout the entire week of the fair and on various stages.

Frau redet auf Bühne im Pavillon

What’s moving minds in 2024? What are the pressing issues of current world affairs that we have to face up to? Perhaps even more importantly: What strategies are out there to shape a more promising future?

Frankfurt Calling brings together international voices from the fields of politics, culture and the arts to explore new approaches to today’s pressing challenges from a global perspective. Frankfurter Buchmesse is cooperating with diverse partners on this year’s intellectually in-depth programme, featuring multiple cultural-political debates, lectures and renowned speakers.

Frankfurt Calling is a cultural-political programme organised by Frankfurter Buchmesse and its partners.

N.B. The #fbm24 programme will be published towards the beginning of September 2024.

Impressions from the cultural-political programme

All that is left to do now


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