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Concentrated industry know-how – all in one place

The programme for publishing and creative professionals.

Bühne der Buchmesse

New in 2024: As a trade visitor, you can look forward to valuable insights into the international publishing industry with the Publishing Perspectives Forum(opens in a new window), which will be part of the programme from Wednesday to Friday for the first time this year .

  • A diverse professional programme
  • A stage at the heart of the fair with in-person audiences
  • Experience top-class speakers live
  • Watch events digitally afterwards in our media library

The #fbm24 programme will be published in summer 2024.

Authors and Guests at Frankfurt Studio 2023

One of many professional programme highlights at Frankfurt Studio 2023

From Inclusion to Innovation: How Accessibility is transforming the Book Value Chain

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(Re)watch more programme highlights in our media library

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023

Media library

Discover highlights for trade and private visitors from past fairs all year round and free of charge in our media library.

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