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Interview with Simone Lippold

Simone Lippold speaking at THE ARTS+

Each sub-sector of the European creative and cultural industries has its own particularities and is full of creative potential - what unites them is that each sector today faces similar fundamental challenges: Funding and investment needs, the need to open up to innovative approaches and new audiences, a silo mentality that leads to insufficient communication between policy makers, institutions and businesses, even though all parties could benefit from each other even better.
In the Digital Cross Over interview with Simone Lippold, Head of Innovation Development at the Börsenverein Group and strategic project lead of the EU project creativeSHIFT, we talked about participation in cross-sector EU projects like creativeSHIFT and the potential of cross-sector collaboration for the future of the creative and cultural industries.

You are the strategic lead of the Börsenverein Group team in the EU project creativeSHIFT. What do you hope to achieve with EU projects like this one?

My goal is to create a playing field for cross-sector collaboration within the creative industries, where we share knowledge, experience and data. While this could lead to new ideas and projects, this could also create a stronger European Creative Content Industry.


Besides creativeSHIFT, Börsenverein Group also manages the business accelerator CONTENTshift. Besides the name, are there any further parallels between both initiative projects?

The main principles of both projects is to foster the exchange between different content industries and its stakeholders. Our accelerator for content start-ups "CONTENTshift" served as the seed for creativeSHIFT. By inviting more stakeholders from other creative Industries we work on ideas how to extend our accelerator and make it even more attractive for the publishing industry and other sectors as well.


How do you see the future of cross-sector cooperation between the different creative and cultural industries in the coming decade?

At the moment, we are in a race with the big economic powers, the USA, China – Asia in general, for the best seats at the table of the digitalised world. Europe urgently needs innovative technologies of the future, a start-up landscape that is not dependent on the USA and is also positioned in the B2B sector. The cross-sectoral approach, especially in the cultural and creative industries (CCI), is therefore extremely important. Through such cooperation, new perspectives, innovative and creative approaches and projects emerge. The European cultural and creative industries have the creative and diverse potential for truly new approaches. Rethinking agile and working in flat hierarchies across sectoral boundaries - this is how the European CCIs can show what potential they have. This will be the challenge of the next years.


Thank you very much for the interview, Simone!

Learn more about the EU project creativeSHIFT


The EU project creativeSHIFT aims to bring like-minded people together, amplify their voices and shape the future of the content industries together. The goal of the cross-sector project is to build a sustainable creative community and make room for cross-sector and cross-country collaboration to build a thriving and resilient ecosystem for content innovation in the European Union.

The EU project is being implemented by Börsenvereinsgruppe in cooperation with Media Deals, MEDIAPRO, SpielFabrique, Music Innovation Hub (MIH), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) and the European Music Council (EMH). You can learn more about the project, its team and how to join the network at the official project website in a new window) and in our first interview(opens in a new window) (in English language available) with Simone Lippold in 2020.

CONTENTshift: pushing the boundaries of publishing

CONTENTshift: Pushing the boundaries of publishing

The German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels) organises different innovation projects around the CONTENTshift umbrella brand to connect content start-ups with the book and content industries and to promote innovation under the theme "pushing the boundaries of publishing".

From 1 March 2021 until 1 May 2021, start-ups worldwide can apply for the CONTENTshift accelerator at in a new window).

Learn more about the programme in our interview with Stefanie Perk,(opens in a new window) who is responsible for the Strategy and Innovation department at the association and organises the CONTENTshift innovation projects.

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