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© Cordula Giese

Heinrich von Berenberg

Berenberg Verlag

Heinrich von Berenberg was born in Hamburg in 1950 and studied German and English language and literature there. He was an editor at the Syndikat-Verlag in Frankfurt and for 16 years was an editor at the Klaus-Wagenbach-Verlag and the Antje Kunstmann publishing house in Munich. In 2003 he founded the Berenberg publishing house(opens in a new window) in Berlin together with Petra von Berenberg. In addition to his work as editor and publisher, Heinrich von Berenberg also works as a translator from Spanish, especially from Roberto Bolaño, and writes articles and reviews as well as numerous forewords and introductions to publications. In vain one will look for (in his publishing house) bulky biographies. What you will find, however, is rhetorically sparkling and decidedly subjective biographical and autobiographical literature and essays, books on contemporary history, and, from time to time, since 2010 also excellent fiction.
