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Valeria Bergalli

Editorial Minuscula

Valeria Bergalli grew up between Argentina, Italy and Germany. She has lived in Catalonia since the late 1980s. She is a cultural anthropologist, translator and head of Minúscula(opens in a new window), the publishing house she founded in 1999 in Barcelona and from which she has contributed to making known, both in Spain and in Latin America, the works of outstanding names in world literature such as Victor Klemperer, Marisa Madieri, Annemarie Schwarzenbach and Giani Stuparich. The publishing house has also recovered works from other important authors such as Shirley Jackson, Varlam Shalámov, Irmgard Keun, Anna Maria Ortese, etc. and is making known the literature of younger authors such as Nona Fernández, Gonzalo Maier, Paula Porroni and Aleksandra Lun. Valeria is also teaching in different areas of publishing.

