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Valeria Ciompi

Alianza Editorial

Born in Caserta (Italy), she has lived in Madrid since she was ten years old. After finishing her studies in the Italian High School, she graduated in Information Sciences (Journalism) at the Complutense University. She has collaborated in several cultural projects related to cinema and literature. She has been editor-in-chief of the magazine "Papeles de Cine Casablanca", collaborator of the magazine "Mujeres" of the Instituto de la Mujer, free-lance editor and publisher of the literary magazine "El Crítico", responsible for the publications of the Filmoteca Española, where she has also carried out other tasks and participated in the organization of exhibitions and conferences. She has published three novels, although she considers herself mainly a reader. Since November 2001 she has been in charge of the direction of Alianza Editorial(opens in a new window), where, always with the support of the seal team, she has had the privilege of publishing authors such as Amin Maalouf, Malala Yousafzai, Yasmina Khadra, Juan Madrid, Joe Abercrombie, Alberto Manguel, Hwang Sok-yong, Peter Handke, Stephen Markley, Sarah Hall, among many others.  
