Highlights of the day for Saturday, 22 October 2016, and Sunday, 23 October 2016
The weekend of Frankfurt Book Fair is packed with numerous exciting highlights
Frankfurt, 20 Oct. 2016 – The weekend of Frankfurt Book Fair is packed with numerous exciting highlights and events: On Saturday the THE ARTS+ Salon turns into a Virtual Reality Campus with talks and lots of art installations to experience the new technologies. The LiBertaturpreis will be awarded to Laksmi Pamuntjak at the Weltempfang. For all, who can’t get enough of the fair, there will be the “Booknight” at the Bahnhofsviertel district starting at 6 pm. On Sunday, the so called “GuestScroll” will be handed over to France during the Handover Ceremony.
Please find in the following a selection of events at the Book Fair. You can find all events taking place at the Book Fair online in our Calendar of Events: https://catalog.services.book-fair.com/(opens in a new window)
Saturday, 22 October 2016
All day
Virtual Reality Campus
THE ARTS+ Salon, Hall 4.1 / Q109
At the weekend THE ARTS+ Salon turns into a great Virtual Reality Campus. In cooperation with the EDFVR, the German Virtual Reality association, and with the motto “Hands on VR”, THE ARTS+ creates a space where you can dive into a new form of reality. Expect award-winning films, VR game experiences and art installations. The VR Campus is a playground for everyone who is attracted and fascinated by new technologies and innovative creativity.
4.30 pm – 5.30 pm
LiBeraturpreis 2016: Laksmi Pamuntjak
Weltempfang stage, Hall 3.1 / L25, fair grounds
The LiBeraturpreis is the only German literature prize that is awarded exclusively to women from Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Arab World. In 2016 Laksmi Pamuntjak will receive the award for her novel The Question of Red (German title: Alle Farben Rot, Ullstein 2015, translated by Martina Heinschke). This is an elaborate novel of love and politics which transports the reader into a country whose wounds are still raw from a period
of bloody conflict.
4.45 pm – 6 pm
Hall 4.1 / N 91, fair grounds
THE BEAUTY AND THE BOOK AWARD is presented by the Frankfurt Book Fair in cooperation with the Stiftung Buchkunst (German Book Art Foundation). With this audience award the Frankfurt Book Fair has honoured the most beautiful books since 2014.
6 pm – 3 am
Booknight on Saturday at Frankfurt’s “Bahnhofsviertel” district
Various locations in the “Bahnhofsviertel”
The Frankfurter Buchmesse and the Frankfurter Initiative für Gastronomie (Frankfurt Initiative for Gastronomy) launch the first “Booknight” in Frankfurt's Bahnhofsviertel district near the main train station. For those who just can't get enough of the Frankfurter Buchmesse, selected clubs and restaurants offer Book Fair specials on this day from 6 pm onwards. Inspired by the Frankfurter Buchmesse Guest of Honour 2016, Flanders & the Netherlands, new interpretations of Dutch classics, such as bitterballen and chips, will govern the menus. Moreover, there will be an after-fair programme with readings, performances and DJs. For all locations, see the Calender of Events (Keyword: “Booknight”).
Sunday, 23 October 2016
10.45 am
Peace Prize of the German Book Trade 2016
Paulskirche (Church of St. Paul), Frankfurt
Seyla Benhabib, Professor for Political Science and Philosophy at Yale University, will deliver the speech officially honouring Carolin Emcke, the recipient of this year's Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. The award ceremony will take place during the Frankfurt Book Fair on Sunday, October 23, 2016, at 10.45 am at the Church of St. Paul, Frankfurt. By invitation only.
3 pm – 4 pm
World of Contradictions – Fashion Performance
THE ARTS+ RUNWAY, Hall 4.1 / P53, fair grounds
LED light effects, a dress that changes its color, futuristic pieces at the intersection of fashion and art: The Frankfurt Style Award will present a defilé of 30 pieces created by up-coming fashion designers shown in an exclusive fashion performance at THE ARTS+. Expect nothing less than an impressive show and a glance into the fashion world of tomorrow.
3.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Handover Ceremony: Flanders & The Netherlands 2016 – France 2017
Guest of Honour Pavilion, Forum, level 1, fair grounds
After a literary discussion with Flemish author Stefan Hertmans and French author Marie N’Diaye, the so called “GuestScroll”, an art object specially created for the Frankfurt Book Fair, is handed over to France, Guest of Honour 2017.
About the Frankfurt Book Fair
The Frankfurt Book Fair is the international publishing industry’s biggest trade fair – with 7,100 exhibitors from more than 100 countries, around 275,000 visitors, over 4,000 events and around 10,000 accredited journalists (including 2,000 bloggers) in attendance. It also gathers key players from other media, including the film and games industries. Since 1976, the Book Fair has featured an annual Guest of Honour country, which showcases its book market, literature and culture to attendees in a variety of ways. The Frankfurt Book Fair organises the participation of German publishers in some 20 international book fairs and hosts trade events throughout the year in major international markets. With its Business Club, the Frankfurt Book Fair offers entrepreneurs, publishers, founders, thought leaders, experts and visionaries an ideal setting for their business activities. The Frankfurt Book Fair is a subsidiary of the German Publishers & Booksellers Association. https://www.buchmesse.de/en/(opens in a new window)
Contact for the media:
Press & Corporate Communications, Frankfurt Book Fair
Katja Böhne, Vice President Marketing & Communications, tel.: +49 (0) 69 2102-138, press@book-fair.com(opens in a new window)
Kathrin Grün, PR Manager, tel.: +49 (0) 69 2102-170, gruen@book-fair.com(opens in a new window)
> Press information online > https://www.buchmesse.de/en/press/press-releases(opens in a new window)
> Photos in print quality > https://www.buchmesse.de/en/press/press-material(opens in a new window)