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Talk on Saturday, 22 October 2022, 5.30 pm, at Harmonie Hall in the Congress Center (in Ukrainian with German translation)

Olena Zelenska, wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will visit Frankfurter Buchmesse on Saturday, 22 October 2022. She will be joining the BRIGITTE LIVE series of talks.  

The BRIGITTE LIVE event will take place on 22 October from 5.30 to 6.30 pm in Saal Harmonie in Messe Frankfurt’s Congress Center. Olena Zelenska will participate in person. She will be answering questions posed by BRIGITTE editor-in-chief Brigitte Huber and Meike Dinklage, head of the magazine’s Current Events section, at 5.30 pm during BRIGITTE LIVE before an audience of Frankfurter Buchmesse visitors. The conversation will be held in Ukranian with German translation and streamed live for the interested public ( in a new window)).

Information for media representatives

Please send us an e-mail to in a new window) with your accreditation request if you would like to come to the event. Please note that all members of the press require a ticket to gain access to the exhibition grounds. All info on this can be found at in a new window).

Ukraine’s first lady previously worked at her own television production company, which produced her husband’s comedy shows. These days, the civil engineering graduate has other responsibilities: since the beginning of the war, she has been fighting, among other things, to ensure that her compatriots can get psychological assistance quickly, and has been participating in a campaign to train first responders. Accessibility is also one of her main projects and she has initiated and promoted a manual on the topic, which she will present at Frankfurter Buchmesse (19-23 October).

Contact for press representatives

Kathrin Grün
Head of PR and Communications
Frankfurter Buchmesse
Tel: +49 (0) 69 / 2102 189
E-Mail: in a new window)

Maike Pelikan
Deputy Director of Brand Communications
RTL Deutschland
Tel: +49 (0) 40 / 37 03 – 21 57
E-Mail: in a new window)