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330 sqms of audio products and services / Mini-conference with international audio experts / Networking opportunities / Audio Ambassador service

Frankfurt Audio – the book fair’s audio area – is all about the spoken word. Latest innovations, trends and services from the audio sector will be presented across a 330-sqm space in Hall 3.1 at Frankfurter Buchmesse. International players and service providers – including Beat Technology, Bookwire, Der Audio Verlag, New Books in the Cloud, Pozotron and Zebralution – will present their products and services at their own stands, while at the IG Hörbuch collective stand (3.1 K25) Penguin Random House Audio, Bastei Lübbe, Argon and many other exhibitors will showcase their latest audiobook productions.

Mini-conference with international audio experts on Thursday 
International audio and publishing professionals will be gathering on the Thursday of the fair during the audio mini-conference at the Publishing Perspectives Forum (19 October 2023, 2:00–4:45 pm; Congress Center, Level 2, room Spektrum). Matthew Gain, Senior Vice President and Head of Audible Europe, will be among the conference’s speakers. The panel discussion on audio in small publishing markets, moderated by Nathan Hull (CSO, Beat Technology, UK), will feature experts from Slovenia, Portugal and Hungary. Participants can gather for a chat during the follow-up networking session, sponsored by Bookwire. There will also be an opportunity to network during the Happy Hour at the IG Hörbuch stand (5:00 pm, 3.1 K25). Language: English; participation is free with a ticket valid for admission to the fair on Thursday. The complete programme will be announced shortly: (opens in a new window)

Service for publishing professionals: Audio Ambassador
This year, publishing consultant Carlo Carrenho will serve as Frankfurter Buchmesse’s Audio Ambassador. He will be bringing together interested parties with audio companies in the Frankfurt Audio area. He can be contacted at the IG Hörbuch collective stand (Hall 3.1 K25) at fixed times from Wednesday to Friday (18–20 October, 9:00–10:00 am and noon–1:00 pm). 

New audio stage for the German public at the weekend
At the weekend, the Audio Business Lounge will be transformed into the Hörbuchwelten Bühne (World of Audiobooks stage) – powered by Bookwire (3.1 K25). Prize-winning audiobook voices and bestselling authors will ensure the stage is a crowd-puller. For more on the programme: in a new window) 

Podcasts at the book fair
For the first time, the German politics podcast Lage der Nation (State of the Nation) will be present at Frankfurter Buchmesse. On Thursday evening, 19 October, a new episode of the podcast will be recorded in front of a live audience of around 2,000 people. German-French broadcaster ARTE will be inviting renowned authors for a podcast talk on “The Book of My Life”. Both podcast formats will be in German.  


For more information on Frankfurt Audio: (opens in a new window)