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The leading rights & licensing conference

Benefit from exclusive insights in our digital sessions in September and meet the publishing community in Frankfurt in October!

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The Frankfurt Rights Meeting has been the meeting place for all decision-makers in the field of rights and licenses for over 30 years. This autumn, you will once again gain insights into trending topics in digital sessions in September, followed by an exclusive networking reception with a keynote speech on the exhibition grounds in October.

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At the Frankfurt Rights Meeting you will meet ...

  • Licensing managers
  • Rights managers
  • Literary agents
  • Scouts
  • Publishers
  • Business development managers

Welcome to the centre of the rights and licence trade

Rights & Licensing auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2020

Rights & licensing events

From the leading international conference for rights trading, the Frankfurt Rights Meeting, to a variety of events worldwide and digital networking formats: Frankfurter Buchmesse is the place to go if you want to expand your knowledge and network on publishing markets and trends in the rights and licence trade.

Discover the programme