The Accessibility Era – Are you ready for it?
Similar to Taylor Swift's evolving musical eras, the publishing industry has recently transitioned through various phases: e-books, subscription models, big data. Now, it has entered the era of accessibility, with publishers and all actors in the value chain working diligently to meet the upcoming European Accessibility Act deadline in June 2025.
Elisa Molinari, Fondazione LIA and APACE
Simon Holt, Elsevier UK
Alessandra Porcelli, Mondadori Education
Host: Porter Anderson, Publishing Perspectives
The seminar is organized by Fondazione LIA in collaboration with the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, Frankfurter Buchmesse, the Federation of European Publishers, the International Publishers Association, in the framework of APACE, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.