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Sensitivity Reading, Sensitive Language and Translation

22 October 2022
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International Translation Centre (Hall 4.0 G101)

Discussion on the importance of non-discriminatory language for the work of translators.


  • Özge Efendi (bli bla blub)
  • Anna von Rath (, poco.lit)
  • Shawn Williams (The Impact Company)

Moderation: Ingo Herzke (translator)

In recent years, the media and literature have been paying more and more attention to preventing discrimination or harming people through careless, insensitive use of language. But what exactly does this mean for the work of translators? Who is involved in the process? And how do traditional publishers deal with the issue?

Anna von Rath, founder of the websites and poco.lit, Özge Efendi, founder of the publishing house bli bla blub, and Shawn Williams (The Impact Company) will discuss the issue and will be available for questions and discussion.