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Marije Remigius

© Marije Remigius

Marije Remigius

Sustainability manager at Fiction Factory and founder of Circu Leren
Fiction Factory

Marije Remigius is a sustainability manager at Fiction Factory. After 20 years of working as a project manager for the company she decided to change the way she and the factory was working. In collaboration with their clients and other stakeholders they are changing the way of building interiors and are closing the system by taking responsibility of the interiors they produce. Not only by taking them back but also to reuse and repurpose the materials. By giving presentations and workshops to architects, students and in companies she is learning others to do the same. She is working in European funding projects on reducing wood waste with open source and digital solutions. And with her 7 loops to circular exhibition building she is actively involved in changing the way our cultural heritage is presented.  

At this moment she is involved in producing 3 biobased and circular pavilions and 2 exhibitions at the Floriade 2022 in Almere The Netherlands.  
