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Michael Healy

Michael Healy

Executive Director, International Relations
Copyright Clearance Center

Michael Healy is the Executive Director, International Relations, at Copyright Clearance Center.  Prior to joining CCC, Michael was Executive Director of The Book Rights Registry, and previously Executive Director of the Book Industry Study Group, a New York-based non-profit body dedicated to improving the efficiency of the book industry by providing standards, research, education and information.  Michael has worked in the publishing and information industries for more than 25 years and has spent most of that time in senior editorial, sales and distribution roles in digital publishing.  He has been closely involved in the development of standards for the international book trade, and is particularly associated with standards for metadata, product information and electronic commerce.  Michael has led many international standards groups, was Chairman of the International ISBN Agency, a Director of the International DOI Foundation, and led the international ISO committee that developed ISBN-13. He is currently a board member of the Copyright Hub Foundation (UK) and Chairman of the Board of The International Standard Name Identifier. 
