Nuove Correnti
Nuove Correnti
Frankfurter Buchmesse Editors' Trip 2023

Die Bewerbungsfrist für das Programm Nuove Correnti ist am 6. April 2023 abgelaufen.
Nuove Correnti – der Editors‘ Trip der Frankfurter Buchmesse ist ein intensives Fortbildungs- und Vernetzungsprogramm für Verleger*innen und Lektor*innen aus unabhängigen italienischen Verlagen und Agenturen mit den Schwerpunkten Belletristik und Sachbuch.
Nuove Correnti findet erstmals im Juni 2023, im Vorfeld des italienischen Ehrengastauftritts in Frankfurt 2024 statt. Verlags-, Agentur und Buchhandlungsbesuche, Marktpräsentationen und zahlreiche Networking-Möglichkeiten in Berlin, Frankfurt und München sorgen für Wissensaustausch, professionellen Dialog und den Ausbau der italienisch-deutschen Branchennetzwerke.
Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme sind eine mehrjährige Tätigkeit in der Verlagsbranche, gute Englischkenntnisse und Lust auf Neues!
Nuove Correnti wird vom Auswärtigem Amt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unterstützt und von der Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH kuratiert und organisiert.
Die Teilnehmerinnen 2023

Founded in 2007, B&G has established itself as the most important reference point for German language authors in Italy, promoting both classics and contemporary literature.
B&G also represents English language publishing houses and agencies - from major brands to independent realities.
This has led B&G to engage its efforts not only with regards to bestsellers, but also to debut authors and new projects. Our commitment stretches to non-fiction books (business, technical topics, health, religion, spirituality, art), and to children’s and YA projects, too.
B&G also scouts for Italian authors.
Founded in 2007, B&G has established itself as the most important reference point for German language authors in Italy, promoting both classics and contemporary literature.
B&G also represents English language publishing houses and agencies - from major brands to independent realities.
This has led B&G to engage its efforts not only with regards to bestsellers, but also to debut authors and new projects. Our commitment stretches to non-fiction books (business, technical topics, health, religion, spirituality, art), and to children’s and YA projects, too.
B&G also scouts for Italian authors.
Focus of interest
Representing independent publishers. Executive contracts & rights assistant. Responsible of website. Passion for hidden gems.

Edizioni Dedalo is a division of Dedalo Litostampa srl. It is an independent company, founded by my father in 1965.
We are specialized in non-fiction books: principal subjects are science, history, philosophy, anthropology. A very strong attention is given to popular science, at different levels, from children to specialists.
The actual production is not too wide. The catalogue has now about 1300 titles with about 30 new titles a year, mostly scientific. Translations represent more than 40% of the production.
Edizioni Dedalo is a division of Dedalo Litostampa srl. It is an independent company, founded by my father in 1965.
We are specialized in non-fiction books: principal subjects are science, history, philosophy, anthropology. A very strong attention is given to popular science, at different levels, from children to specialists.
The actual production is not too wide. The catalogue has now about 1300 titles with about 30 new titles a year, mostly scientific. Translations represent more than 40% of the production.
Focus of interest
I have been working in the editorial company since 1990. I experienced all the different phases of the work and now I’m editorial director and CEO. My participation in the editors’ trip is aimed at future collaborations between Edizioni Dedalo and international publishers, in order to compare different ways of working and different experiences.

Giulio Einaudi editore was founded in 1933 in Turin and Leone Ginzburg, Norberto Bobbio, Cesare Pavese, Natalia Ginzburg were the first authors who worked with Giulio Einaudi, the founder. Collegiality, the taste for discussion, the pleasure of sharing times and places beyond the "official" working moments are characteristics that have accompanied the entire history of Einaudi, and have been transmitted from one generation to another. Since the beginning Einaudi has formed Italian books and is still one of the most stimulating and up-to-date Italian publishing house. Authors we published are amongst others Elsa Morante, Jonathan Franzen, Joseph Stiglitz, Melania Mazzucco, Primo Levi, Goliarda Sapienza, Italo Calvino.
Giulio Einaudi editore was founded in 1933 in Turin and Leone Ginzburg, Norberto Bobbio, Cesare Pavese, Natalia Ginzburg were the first authors who worked with Giulio Einaudi, the founder. Collegiality, the taste for discussion, the pleasure of sharing times and places beyond the "official" working moments are characteristics that have accompanied the entire history of Einaudi, and have been transmitted from one generation to another. Since the beginning Einaudi has formed Italian books and is still one of the most stimulating and up-to-date Italian publishing house. Authors we published are amongst others Elsa Morante, Jonathan Franzen, Joseph Stiglitz, Melania Mazzucco, Primo Levi, Goliarda Sapienza, Italo Calvino.
Focus of interest
My position inside the company is junior editor of Non-Fiction Current Affairs and History Books and I work both with Italian and foreign authors. Climate Change, Economics, Politics, Religion, Gender issues are just some of the topics we focus on.

Garzanti, a prestigious Italian publishing house since 1879, celebrates a notable legacy by expanding and diversifying their catalogue. To date, their fiction list includes renowned Italian and foreign authors such as Pasolini, Capote, Magris, Crichton, Kawaguchi, Caboni, Sanchez, Amado, Harris, and Ōe. Garzanti's non-fiction list spans various disciplines, featuring global figures like the Dalai Lama, Malala Yousafzai, the Obamas, and Italian luminaries such as de Bortoli, Mancuso, and Gardini.
Garzanti, a prestigious Italian publishing house since 1879, celebrates a notable legacy by expanding and diversifying their catalogue. To date, their fiction list includes renowned Italian and foreign authors such as Pasolini, Capote, Magris, Crichton, Kawaguchi, Caboni, Sanchez, Amado, Harris, and Ōe. Garzanti's non-fiction list spans various disciplines, featuring global figures like the Dalai Lama, Malala Yousafzai, the Obamas, and Italian luminaries such as de Bortoli, Mancuso, and Gardini.
Focus of interest
Ludovica Mauri seeks commercial, up-market and literary fiction that promotes inclusion and diversity. But ultimately she is always looking for something special and unique.

Giunti is the third publishing group in Italy and it is independent, being the heir to a long editorial tradition that dates back to 1841 with the foundation of the Paggi print house and bookstore. Leader in the sector of children’s books, it publishes also adult fiction and non-fiction, illustrated manuals, psychology books, schoolbooks, art books and magazines. More than 1.000 titles every year with a catalogue that exceeds 8.000 volumes under 70 different imprints that cover a wide range of subjects.
Giunti is the third publishing group in Italy and it is independent, being the heir to a long editorial tradition that dates back to 1841 with the foundation of the Paggi print house and bookstore. Leader in the sector of children’s books, it publishes also adult fiction and non-fiction, illustrated manuals, psychology books, schoolbooks, art books and magazines. More than 1.000 titles every year with a catalogue that exceeds 8.000 volumes under 70 different imprints that cover a wide range of subjects.
Focus of interest
I’m a fiction editor publishing romance, chick-lit, thriller, historical novels, fantasy and new adult titles.

Hoepli, bookseller and publisher since 1870, is specialized in technical-scientific books, engineering, architecture & design, business & finance, marketing & management, popular science, foreign languages, philosophy, dictionaries, handbooks, law, non-fiction, professional books, trade books and ebooks. Hoepli publishes handbooks for university admission tests (for undergraduates), textbooks for middle and high school students, undergraduates and graduates.
Hoepli, bookseller and publisher since 1870, is specialized in technical-scientific books, engineering, architecture & design, business & finance, marketing & management, popular science, foreign languages, philosophy, dictionaries, handbooks, law, non-fiction, professional books, trade books and ebooks. Hoepli publishes handbooks for university admission tests (for undergraduates), textbooks for middle and high school students, undergraduates and graduates.
Focus of interest
I am an editor of academic textbooks (language mainly, due to my personal interest and academic background) and I am in charge of the Italian for Foreigners area. I am also part of the Foreign Rights Team.

Iperborea is a well-established independent publishing company focused on bringing to Italy the best of Nordic literature, from classics and Nobel Prizes to talented contemporary authors. We put out around 30 titles per year with the utmost care for all editorial facets. In addition to our fiction list, we are launching a series of narrative non-fiction and since 2017 we also have a children book series. We have only recently expanded to German authors.
Iperborea is a well-established independent publishing company focused on bringing to Italy the best of Nordic literature, from classics and Nobel Prizes to talented contemporary authors. We put out around 30 titles per year with the utmost care for all editorial facets. In addition to our fiction list, we are launching a series of narrative non-fiction and since 2017 we also have a children book series. We have only recently expanded to German authors.
Focus of interest
Cristina Marasti is the editor for German and Baltic literature, interested in literary voices in fiction and narrative non-fiction.

La Nuova Frontiera is an independent publishing house founded in Rome in 2002. Our catalogue explores the literary works of some of the most interesting international writers in three series: Liberamente, which brings together new voices of contemporary fiction, Il Basilisco, dedicated to contemporary classics, and La frontiera selvaggia, which investigates the relationship between nature and literature. Along with these we publish around 15 new titles per year in our Children and YA list.
La Nuova Frontiera is an independent publishing house founded in Rome in 2002. Our catalogue explores the literary works of some of the most interesting international writers in three series: Liberamente, which brings together new voices of contemporary fiction, Il Basilisco, dedicated to contemporary classics, and La frontiera selvaggia, which investigates the relationship between nature and literature. Along with these we publish around 15 new titles per year in our Children and YA list.
Focus of interest
As foreign fiction editor, I’m searching for authors with a distinctive voice and a strong take on the complexities of our times as well as for great stories where nature is involved

Quodlibet Edizioni was founded 30 years ago in Macerata by a group of students of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben. The publishing house, directed by Stefano Verdicchio, deals with philosophy, art, quality fiction and architecture. Quodlibet has around 500 titles in its catalogue divided into three main series: Habitat, our series on architecture, Compagnia Extra, dedicated to classical fiction and directed by Ermanno Cavazzoni, and Quodlibet Storie, publishing new fiction. Non-fiction authors include Gilles Deleuze, Jean-Luc Nancy, Ludwig Binswanger, Louise Bourgeois, Gilles Clément, Ingeborg Bachmann, James-George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, Georg Simmel, Alexandre Kojève, Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Quodlibet Edizioni was founded 30 years ago in Macerata by a group of students of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben. The publishing house, directed by Stefano Verdicchio, deals with philosophy, art, quality fiction and architecture. Quodlibet has around 500 titles in its catalogue divided into three main series: Habitat, our series on architecture, Compagnia Extra, dedicated to classical fiction and directed by Ermanno Cavazzoni, and Quodlibet Storie, publishing new fiction. Non-fiction authors include Gilles Deleuze, Jean-Luc Nancy, Ludwig Binswanger, Louise Bourgeois, Gilles Clément, Ingeborg Bachmann, James-George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, Georg Simmel, Alexandre Kojève, Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Focus of interest
I have been working for Quodlibet for 10 years now, I am responsible for the rights office and relations with foreign publishers.

Voland is an Italian independent publishing house based in Rome and focused on Central and Eastern European literatures, founded in 1994 by the Slavist Daniela Di Sora, who is still our publisher and editorial director. Over the years we have introduced authors from Germany, Austria, Russia, Bulgaria and Romania to Italian readers, discovering and giving value to emerging or marginal voices. Our catalogue features authors such as W. Wondratschek, U. Draesner, G. Gospodinov, M. Cărtărescu.
Voland is an Italian independent publishing house based in Rome and focused on Central and Eastern European literatures, founded in 1994 by the Slavist Daniela Di Sora, who is still our publisher and editorial director. Over the years we have introduced authors from Germany, Austria, Russia, Bulgaria and Romania to Italian readers, discovering and giving value to emerging or marginal voices. Our catalogue features authors such as W. Wondratschek, U. Draesner, G. Gospodinov, M. Cărtărescu.
Focus of interest
I’ve been working with Voland since 2020 as a consultant for contemporary German literature.

© Iban Carrère
Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme
- Mehrjährige Tätigkeit im Verlagswesen
- Gute Englischkenntnisse
- Lust auf Neues
- Empfehlung durch die eigene Verlagsleitung
Editors‘ Trip Nuove Correnti FAQ
Für den Editors‘ Trip Nuove Correnti können sich Verleger*innen und Lektor*innen aus unabhängigen italienischen Verlagen bewerben.
Berufserfahrung im Verlagswesen (mindestens drei Jahre).
Gute Englischkenntnisse.
Es gibt keine offizielle Altersbegrenzung. Wir freuen uns auf Sie, wenn Sie Lust auf Neues haben!
Das ausgefüllte Onlineformular.
Empfehlungsschreiben aus dem Management Ihres Verlagshauses.
Die Teilnehmer*innen erhalten einen Reisekostenzuschuss in Höhe von insgesamt 400 Euro für die An- und Abreise. Die Frankfurter Buchmesse übernimmt die Kosten für Reisen und Unterkunft innerhalb Deutschlands sowie einen Anteil der Verpflegungskosten.
Die ausgewählten Teilnehmer*innen übernehmen einen Teil der Verpflegungskosten und die über den Betrag von 400 Euro hinausgehenden Reisekosten. Sie buchen ihre Anreise nach Berlin und ihre Abreise von München selbst.
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