Support for Ukrainian refugees and members of the Ukrainian publishing industry and book trade
The international publishing community has initiated numerous projects to support members of the Ukrainian publishing industry and book trade. Please find below selected aid projects initiated or supported by Frankfurter Buchmesse and its partners.
Call for donations: Together with the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association, the Börsenverein Group (German Publishers and Booksellers Association, Frankfurter Buchmesse, MVB and mediacampus frankfurt) initiated an aid fund to provide direct support for Ukrainian members of the publishing industry and book trade in acute need. All donations - small or big - are welcome and can be made via PayPal(Öffnet neues Fenster).
The Börsenverein group will hand over the collected money to the UPBA, which is cooperating with the Ukrainian Toloka Foundation on the aid project. Please find more information about the fundraising project below.
Frankfurter Buchmesse aims to support Ukrainian members of the publishing industry with several projects.
Frankfurter Buchmesse aims to support Ukrainian members of the publishing industry with several projects.
Call for donations
Together with the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association (UPBA), the organisations of the German Börsenverein Group (German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels), Frankfurter Buchmesse, MVB and mediacampus frankfurt) have launched an aid project for Ukrainian members of the publishing industry, such as publishers, authors and booksellers. Donations will be used to support colleagues in acute need.
All donations are welcome and can be made via PayPal(Öffnet neues Fenster).
The Börsenverein group will hand over the collected money to the UPBA, which is cooperating with the Ukrainian Toloka Foundation on the aid project. The latter can then distribute the money in a targeted manner. Oleksandr Afonin, President of UPBA, and Mykola Chayun, UPBA Board Member, are the sponsors. UPBA membership is not required to receive support. The fund money will be accessible to all publishers, bookshops and authors in Ukraine. The Börsenverein group itself contributed the starting amount of 5,000 euros for the fundraising.
Free Ukrainian stand at Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022
Frankfurter Buchmesse – as well as numerous other international book fairs – will showcase Ukrainian literature. Frankfurter Buchmesse is in touch with the Ukrainian Book Institute, the organiser of the Ukrainian stand in Frankfurt, and will provide a stand free of charge at the book fair 2022.
Books by Ukrainian authors and illustrators on display at international book fairs
Frankfurter Buchmesse is organising stands at several international book fairs to showcase German literature and culture. The book fair will exhibit a book collection showcasing Ukrainian authors and illustrators published in Germany on German collective stands at international book fairs. More information and contact:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Planned: workshops and networking for publishing professionals
As in previous years, Frankfurter Buchmesse is in close contact with its long-standing partners Book Arsenal Kyiv and Goethe-Institut Ukraine to develop joint formats to support the publishing industries of Ukraine, Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Instagram Takeover from Kyiv
Olia Zhuk was posting from Kyiv for two days via the Frankfurter Buchmesse Instagram account (Öffnet neues Fenster)). She is Deputy Director of Contemporary Art and Museum Affairs at the Mystetskyi Arsenal Museum in Kyiv. With the takeover, Frankfurter Buchmesse wanted to offer a wider audience for an important voice of the cultural scene in Ukraine.
Fundraising event: Frankfurt, city of literature, in solidarity with Ukraine
Together with numerous other cultural institutions from Frankfurt, Frankfurter Buchmesse organised and promoted the fundraising event "Die Literaturstadt Frankfurt in Solidarität mit der Ukraine" (Frankfurt, city of literature, in solidarity with Ukraine) on 24 March. Several Frankfurt-based authors read works by Ukrainian writers. The recording of the German-speaking event can be watched here: Die Literaturstadt Frankfurt in Solidarität mit der Ukraine - YouTube(Öffnet neues Fenster)
Special Programme for publishers from Ukraine and neighbouring countries*
*Subject to funding by the German Federal Foreign Office
Frankfurter Buchmesse is offering publishers from Ukraine and neighbouring countries a Special Programme in conjunction with Frankfurter Buchmesse.
The Special Programme for publishers from Ukraine and neighbouring countries is an intensive training and networking opportunity for publishers, editors, licence managers and literary agents from Armenia, Azerbaijan, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and Hungary. To be eligible, applicants must have at least two years of experience in publishing and a good command of English.
More information:…(Öffnet neues Fenster)
Please find here a list of aid projects that are supported by Frankfurter Buchmesse and its partners. These projects specifically aim to help members of the Ukrainian cultural and publishing industries.
Please find here a list of aid projects that are supported by Frankfurter Buchmesse and its partners. These projects specifically aim to help members of the Ukrainian cultural and publishing industries.
Call for donations for a fund supporting members of the Ukrainian publishing industry
Together with the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association (UPBA), the organisations of the German Börsenverein Group (German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels), Frankfurter Buchmesse, MVB and mediacampus frankfurt) have launched an aid project for Ukrainian members of the publishing industry, such as publishers, authors and booksellers. Donations will be used to support colleagues in acute need and to promote the reconstruction of the book industry in Ukraine.
All donations are welcome and can be made via PayPal(Öffnet neues Fenster).
The Börsenverein group will hand over the collected money to the UPBA, which is cooperating with the Ukrainian Toloka Foundation on the aid project. The latter can then distribute the money in a targeted manner. Oleksandr Afonin, President of UPBA, and Mykola Chayun, UPBA Board Member, are the sponsors. UPBA membership is not required to receive support. The fund money will be accessible to all publishers, bookshops and authors in Ukraine.
Crowdfunding campaign: Support the printing of Ukrainian children's books in various European countries for free distribution to Ukrainian children having fled their home country
Organised by the Federation of European Publishers FEP and the Ukrainian Book Institute UBI
Donate books to Ukrainian children | GoGetFunding(Öffnet neues Fenster)
This project was kicked off at the Bologna Book Fair and is ongoing. As of April 1st 2022 already six titles have been reprinted to be distributed to Ukrainian children in Poland. The next tranche will be used for reprinting titles to be distributed to Ukrainian children currently based in Germany.
Call to international publishers: Acquire rights from Ukrainian publishers
Please find information on available titles from the following sources and get in touch with your Ukrainian colleagues.
Comprehensive rights list of more than 400 titles, published by the Ukrainian Book Publishers Association (Öffnet neues Fenster)): UARightsCatalogue22Vol01.pdf - Google Drive(Öffnet neues Fenster) (PDF)
Info base "Rights On" via the Ukrainian online trade magazine Chytomo:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Please share: free Ukrainian textbooks for primary and secondary grades
Offered by The European Educational Publishers Group and Ranok Publishing House.
The offer is primarily aimed at educational publishers worldwide, but individuals can use the material for free as well. Publishers have to sign a license (no fee involved):Öffnet neues Fenster)
Publishers can download the materials from Ranok Publishers and distribute them for free from their own website. A detailed Appendix available from the EEPG website explains in English which books are available for which grade. Audio material to some of the books is also available under the same license.
The German Publishers and Booksellers Association offers more information about the call for donations by the Börsenverein group and further aid projects on their website (in German): Frieden für die Ukraine (Öffnet neues Fenster). Moreover, the German trade magazine Börsenblatt has created a list of initiatives by the German publishing and book trade community (in German): So hilft die Buchbranche (Öffnet neues Fenster)
Please find here a list of aid projects that have been initiated by partners of Frankfurter Buchmesse.
Please find here a list of aid projects that have been initiated by partners of Frankfurter Buchmesse.
Fund for members of the Ukrainian publishing industry
Together with the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association (UPBA), the companies of the German Börsenverein Group (German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels), Frankfurter Buchmesse, MVB and mediacampus frankfurt) have launched an aid project for Ukrainian members of the publishing industry, such as publishers, authors and booksellers. Donations will be used to support colleagues in acute need and to promote the reconstruction of the book industry in Ukraine.
UPBA membership is not required to receive support. The fund money will be made accessible to all publishers, bookshops and authors in Ukraine. If you would like to apply for support from this fund, please reach out to the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Crowdfunding campaign: printing Ukrainian children's books in various European countries for free distribution to Ukrainian children having fled their home country
Organised by the Federation of European Publishers FEP and the Ukrainian Book Institute UBI
Donate books to Ukrainian children | GoGetFunding(Öffnet neues Fenster)
This project was kicked off at the Bologna Book Fair and is ongoing. As of April 1st 2022 already six titles have been reprinted to be distributed to Ukrainian children in Poland. The next tranche will be used for reprinting titles to be distributed to Ukrainian children currently based in Germany.
Emergency aid scholarship programme for Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals – currently in Ukraine or in exile
Fund by the Goethe Institute and German Federal Cultural Foundation, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. Artists and cultural professionals from Ukraine – currently in Ukraine or in exile – who have been working with partner institutions of the Goethe Institute can apply. Grants for individuals amount to 2,000 EUR:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Also watch out for grants on Goethe Institute Kyiv website. An additional scholarship programme as well as further support formats on the part of House of Europe, an EU programme under the leadership of the Goethe-Institut Ukraine, are being planned.
Residencies in Warsaw and Krakow for translators
Offered by the Polish Book Institute – member of the European Network for literary translation With its two offices in Krakow and Warsaw the Polish Book Institute (PBI) runs residencies in both cities. “In Krakow we can offer up to four double-bed apartments, whereas in Warsaw one two-bedroom apartment is available”. Note that the PBI hosts its programme for translators throughout the year we take in visitors from all over the world. More information and contact:,3.html(Öffnet neues Fenster)
Residencies for Ukrainian translators in the Czech Republic
Offered by Czcechlit – member of the European Network for literary translation
Czechlit offers residencies for Ukrainian translators:Öffnet neues Fenster) Residencies in Flanders (Belgium) for book professionals from the Ukraine Offered by: Flanders Literature – member of the European Network for literary translation “We will open our residency for translators (Translator's House) for book professionals from the Ukraine”. More information and contact:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Residencies in France for Ukrainian book professionals and free audio books in Ukrainian Offered by the Centre National du Livre, Syndicat National de l’Edition SNE and Institut Francais
Additionally to increasing our residence capacity for Ukrainian book professionals – the CNL is leading this programme, the French publishers’ organisation is willing to produce audiobooks in Ukrainian and make them available without any charge. More information and contact:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Workshops and networking event for publishing professionals
Organised by: Frankfurter Buchmesse, Book Arsenal Kyiv, Goethe Institute Ukraine
As of April 2022, Frankfurter Buchmesse is planning an open call for book professionals from Ukraine, Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. The selected participants will have the chance to participate in a special professional networking programme organised and curated by Frankfurter Buchmesse, Book Arsenal Kyiv and Goethe Institute Ukraine.
Initiatives by German institutions and the German publishing industry
Initiatives by German institutions and the German publishing industry
"Welcome to Germany"
By the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community
Please download the app: Germany4Ukraine
Offered by Goethe-Institut
Very comprehensive step-by-step information on many questions in regard to arriving in Germany and what to do next:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Scholarships for cultural workers from Ukraine
Offered by Goethe-Institut
The scholarships are open to partners of the Goethe-Institut Ukraine or the Federal Cultural Foundation in Ukraine. These can be independent artists as well as employees of partner institutions. Applications are ongoing for a limited time. More information and contact:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Online job platform for Ukrainian professionals from the cultural, film and media sector which are currently in Germany
German network supporting refugees from the cultural, film and media industries:Öffnet neues Fenster)
Support platform for designers and other creative professionals
Organised by the German Federal state of Hessen by Hessen Agentur
The platform collects German job and workspace offers for members of the creative industry, partly bi-lingual German-Ukrainian: 🇺🇦 Joboffer + Workspace for refugee Ukrainian creatives (Öffnet neues Fenster)
Free dictionariesÖffnet neues Fenster)Öffnet neues Fenster)Öffnet neues Fenster)
A free app for learning German for Ukrainian refugees living in Germany will be available soon.
Free download of Ukrainian textbooks for primary and secondary grades
Offered by The European Educational Publishers Group and Ranok Publishing House.
The offer is primarily aimed at educational publishers worldwide, but individuals can use the material for free as well. Publishers have to sign a license (no fee involved): Welcome! (Öffnet neues Fenster)
The German trade magazine Börsenblatt has created a comprehensive list of initiatives by the German publishing and book trade community (in German): So hilft die Buchbranche (Öffnet neues Fenster)
Get in touch with us
The information on this page has been collected by a Frankfurter Buchmesse project group consisting of current and former employees of the fair. The project group is dedicated to support Ukrainian colleagues in publishing and the book trade.