Karina Bolasco
Maria Karina A. Bolasco is the Director of the Ateneo de Manila University Press (ADMU),
cited Publisher of the Year in the last three consecutive years (2017-2019).
She serves as Vice Chair for External Affairs of the Book Development Association of the Philippines
(BDAP). She also sits on the boards of the Philippine PEN, Writers Union of the Philippines (UMPIL), and
The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS). From 2011-2019, she sat as a Governor of the
National Book Development Board (NBDB).
She ran Anvil Publishing from its inception in 1990 up to May 2016. Under her leadership, Anvil was
awarded Publisher of the Year eleven times and 205 of its titles won the National Book Award.
She was the 2004 granted of the Asia Leadership Fellow Program, hosted by international House of
Japan (Tokyo) and the Japan Foundation. In March 2005, she was the Philippine delegate to the monthlong
International Visitors Program for Women Leaders organized and hosted by the US State
Department. In 2019, she completed a 6-month fellowship at Kyoto University’s Center for Southeast
Asian Studies (CSEAS). She was awarded in 1995 Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service
(TOWNS) for Literacy and Book Publishing.