Wandi S. Brata
As part of his preparation to be a catholic priest, Petrus Canisius Suwandi Sandiwan Brata studied philosophy and got his BA from Driyarkara Institute of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia, and then his MA from Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, 1987. He studied theology at Wedhabakti Pontifical Institute of Theology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and graduated in 1990. In May 1991, two months before his ordination as Jesuit priest, he left the Society of Jesus, and joined PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, a general book publisher under Kompas-Gramedia Group, the leading company in media and book industry in Indonesia, as a non-fiction editor. In 2009 he was appointed as Executive Director of PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. In 2012 he was the Deputy Group Director of Gramedia Group of Book Publishing Companies. Since 2014, he is the Group Director of Gramedia Group of Book Publishing Companies and English Languge Training Centers