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New Adult in Hall 1.2

Meet your romance and fantasy stars live at the heart of the New Adult community – now on their own level in the new Hall 1.2.

The place to be for the New Adult literature scene – and you!

Do you crave exciting love stories set at a college or in a mysterious world? Did you know the books before they became hit series on Netflix? And are you always on the lookout for the latest “Enemies to Lovers” novel on BookTok?

Then grab your chance now: meet your stars in person, experience exciting readings and events, and get to know the book fan community at a dedicated New Adult level in Hall 1.2.

A diverse live programme with a pure festival feeling awaits you in one of the most beautiful halls at the fair – with a panoramic view of the Frankfurt skyline!

Your stars and the genre’s most important new releases: what to expect in Hall 1.2

  • See your favourite authors up close on the New Adult Stage in Hall 1.2 or meet them in the ‘Meet the Author’ area at the Agora – and take a selfie together or get a personal dedication.
  • Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of our new location. For instance, make new contacts and exchange ideas with the diverse New Adult community in the café and chill-out areas.
  • Guests will include: Anna Fleck, Julia Dippel, Mo Enders, Kate Corell, Dana Müller-Braun, Carina Schnell, Lara Große, Jella Benks, Mimi Heger, Nina Voss and many more.

Note: further information will be announced on this page in due time; you’ll be able to find the full programme here starting in August.

Discover the most exciting new releases for yourself at the stands

  • Buchhandlung Graff
  • Bücherbüchse
  • Chest of Fandoms
  • D.C. Odesza
  • Fakriro
  • Piper everlove
  • Random House
  • Rowohlt Kyss
  • Thalia Buchhandlung
  • Ullstein Forever
  • Wondaversum

Missed your favorite publisher? You can find further exhibitors from the New Adult sector in Hall 3.0 with the publishers LYX, dtv, Kosmos, Loewe, reverie and Ravensburger as well as Aufbau Verlage in Hall 3.1.

Greet your favourite writers up close: at “Meet the Author”

Hände schreiben Autogramm

Secure a meet & greet with your stars at the book fair’s “Meet the Author”

At our two “Meet the Author” areas, you’ll have the unique opportunity to meet bestselling authors in person – and take a selfie together, get an autograph or ask for a dedication in your favourite book! We’ll let you know more details shortly.

Azubistro: the meeting spot for career starters

Zwei Frauen an einem Laptop

Newcomers welcome!

Turn your passion for books into a career: find out about training opportunities at the “Azubistro” and get helpful tips from Mediacampus Frankfurt on how to get started in the industry.

Even more information for New Adult fans: from our media partner Buchkultur


Get your special edition!

Would you like more detailed information about the programme and the authors on the New Adult level in Hall 1.2? Then get this special edition publication on New Adult literature from our media partner Buchkultur – free of charge at the exhibition centre, or from October as a download on this page. (In German only)

More about Buchkultur

Expand your expertise with Frankfurt Authors

Frauen im Gespräch

Specialised focus on writing

Exciting talks by renowned speakers, the latest industry insights and the most important new publications: all this awaits authors and interested trade visitors in our Frankfurt Author area – from Wednesday to Friday in the new large Hall 1.2.

Find out more