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Book-to-screen activities

Curtain up for remarkable books as publishers and literary agents meet with film producers.

Frau im Gespräch

With its book-to-screen activities, Frankfurter Buchmesse connects player from the publishing industry with production companies. During the week of the fair, we will be offering  a series of events where publishers and agents can meet film producers to discover and discuss the books with the best potential for film, series or screen adaptation.

Frankfurter Buchmesse also engages in film throughout the year: every spring, Books at Berlinale" takes place, a joint initiative together with the Berlinale Co-Production Market.

During the Cannes Festival – one of the central events in the film industry – Frankfurter Buchmesse partners with SCELF (Société Civile des Éditeurs de Langue Française) to host the Shoot the Book! Cannes", a B2B event for film adaptations of literary material as part of Cannes Marché du Film. The event celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2023.

Look forward to the following highlights

Audience listening

As part of the German-speaking Guest of Honour participation at the Foire du Livre de Bruxelles 13 - 16 March 2025, Frankfurter Buchmesse will be organising a programme of events for French-speaking publishers and filmmakers.

As part of the German-speaking Guest of Honour participation at the Foire du Livre de Bruxelles 13 - 16 March 2025, Frankfurter Buchmesse will be organising a programme of events for French-speaking publishers and filmmakers.

This event will take place on 14 March 2025 and is held in collaboration with ASBL Foire du Livre de Bruxelles, MEDAA - Maison Européenne des Auteurs et des Autrices and SACD - Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques.

Learn more

This was „Books at Berlinale 2025"

Ten outstanding books with special potential for literary adaptations and series formats were presented at the „Books at Berlinale" on 17 February 2025 in Berlin. Publishers and booksellers from around the world met with film producers. The annual pitch event of the Berlinale Co-Production Market in cooperation with the Frankfurter Buchmesse has been putting current new releases and bestsellers in the spotlight since 2006.

This was the Book-to-Screen Day at #fbm24

Film and series adaptations were the focus of this year's Frankfurter Buchmesse. At Book-to-Screen Day on Friday, October 18, 2024, filmmakers from all over the world had the opportunity to discover new stories, characters and ideas from the international book industry. Frankfurter Buchmesse connected the creative industries and promotes the exchange between the publishing industry and the film and streaming industry: among other things with two Buchmesse tours for international filmmakers and a curated matchmaking event for film producers, publishers and agents. 

The programme also included a masterclass, networking events and talks. Cooperation partners included ACE Producers, Aldus Up, Akademie für Kindermedien, Berlinale Co-Production Market, B3 - Biennale des bewegten Bildes, Filmbüro Hessen, Hessen Film & Medien, Institut Français, Jip film & verleih, Produzent*innenverband, SpielFabrique sowie TAICA.

Producers and Scouts who have participated in Book-to-Screen Day 2024:

  • Amusement Park Film GmbH, Germany
  • Basis Berlin, Germany
  • Bavaria Fiction, Germany
  • bildundtonfabrik, Germany
  • Chosen Family Media, Germany
  • Constantin Film, Germany
  • DCM, Germany
  • Film AG, Austria
  • Fremantle, GB
  • Maipo Film, Norway
  • Hugo Film, Switzerland
  • Komplizenfilm, Germany
  • Leonine, Germany
  • Loba Produções, Brazil
  • Match Factory Productions GmbH, Germany
  • Netflix, Germany
  • NEUESUPER, Germany
  • OdeonFiction, Germany
  • Pantaleon Films, Germany
  • Pragmatic Pictures, US
  • Schmerbeck Entertainment GmbH, Germany
  • Senator, Germany
  • Sony, Germany
  • Studio Canal, Germany
  • Studio Zentral, Germany
  • Tobis Film, Germany
  • Wüste Film, Germany
  • X-Filme, Germany
  • Zodiac Pictures, Switzerland

These were some book-to-screen event highlights at #fbm24!

"The Smurfs and Gaming" with Louise Busseniers and Fabienne Gilles (Peyo Company, Belgium)
Exclusive Frankfurter Buchmesse guided tour for producers
Masterclass „Best practices for the film adaption business” with Maÿlis Vauterin and Delphine Clot (Matriochkas Bureau audiovisuel et littéraire)
„Book-to-Screen & Screen-to-Book: A Crime Writer’s Life Between Films and Books” with Taiwanese bestselling author Katniss Hsiao (Before We Were Monsters)
The French bestselling author Timothée de Fombelle talks about adaptations of children's and young adult books
"The Art of Trese Anime: From Comics to Anime" mit Budjette Tan (Partner: National Book Development Board of the Philippines, NBDB)
Book-to-screen talk: Fatma Aydemir and Aslı Özarslan on the literary adaptation Elbow”. Language: German
"Book-to-Games Event" presented by Thierry Baujart (SpielFabrique)
"Comics for Screen Showroom & Drinks reception" organised by Frankfurter Buchmesse

More Information about Book-to-screen:

  • Gesine Mannheimer und Jutta Feit


    ‘I believe in the cinema as a hub. It's a space for coming together, a place for exchange.’

    Gesine Mannheimer (Jetzt & Morgen) and Jutta Feit (jip film & verleih) are responsible for ensuring that films receive the greatest possible visibility. The two filmmakers are particularly active in the field of literary film adaptations. In this interview, they give an insight into their work on film projects and describe what cinema means to them and which literary adaptations they particularly admire.

  • Barbara Voit


    ‘Literary film adaptations are and always have been a trend.’

    For 18 years, the Bavarian regional association of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association has been organising the Book meets Film event as part of the Munich Film Festival. Barbara Voit, responsible for press and public relations at the regional association, has been organising this event since the beginning and tells us in an interview how ‘Book meets Film’ has changed over the years, which titles have entered the race this year and which books she would personally like to see made into films.

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Book-to-screen activities

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