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The Hof meets Histo-Queen Ellin Carsta

21 October 2022
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Live music, great conversations and networking with peers: The Hof is back! Join us for season 3 of this unique digital experience and connect with publishing professionals from around the world in a relaxed atmosphere.

With more than two million readers, Ellin Carsta is one of the most successful authors of historical novels in Germany. With her books about the "Secret Healer" (German original title “Heimliche Heilerin”) and the "Hansen" saga alone, she has inspired more than one million readers. She also writes crime novels, thrillers and books for young people. Behind this is a lot of discipline, efficiency but above all a great passion, which the author can tell you about. What is her recipe for success? The author reveals this to you on Friday, 21 October 2022.


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