Rowohlt Foundation Award Winners' Panel
Panel on the meaning and impact of the award, on criteria and benchmarks for evaluating translations.
- Eva Bonné (translator)
- Ingo Herzke (translator)
- Susanne Höbel (translator)
- Odile Kennel (translator)
Since 1992, the Heinrich Maria Ledig-Rowohlt Foundation has awarded the prize of the same name for translation, since 1995 additionally the Jane Scatcherd Prize, since 1998 also the Paul Scheerbart Prize. In recent years, the public presentation of these awards and thus the honouring of the prize-winners had to be cancelled due to the pandemic restrictions. On behalf of all those affected, some of the prize-winners sit on the podium together with Susanne Höbel from the jury and talk about the significance and impact of the prize, about criteria and standards for evaluating translations.