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Recommendations for visitors – participate safely

We have all grown accustomed to hygiene rules. Also during Frankfurter Buchmesse, we ask you to consider the following recommendations:

Icon Mund-Nasen-Schutz
Abstand halten

Keep your distance

Where possible, keep your distance from other people and avoid crowding situations.

Icon Mund-Nasen-Schutz

Mouth-nose protection

Whenever crowding situations cannot be consistently avoided, we recommend wearing a mouth-nose protection indoors. You protect yourself and others.

Icon Schützen Sie andere durch Ihr Verhalten

Considerate behaviour

Sneeze or cough into the crook of your arm and turn away from other people. Please avoid shaking hands and other forms of physical contact. Make sure to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. Use hand disinfectant if necessary.

Icon Bleiben Sie bei Krankheit zu Hause

If you fall ill, then please stay at home

If you have any symptoms which could indicate an infection, please refrain from visiting the fair.

Icon Ticketverkauf & Zutrittskontrolle

Ticket sales & access control

Buy your ticket online or redeem your voucher online in advance to avoid queues and crowds in the ticket office areas.

Travelling from abroad

Helpful hints and links for travelling from abroad can be found on our page Trade Fair Visa(opens in a new window).

Further safety measures